
Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Book of Mormon Reading: Alma 7-11

The story of pre-repentant Zeezrom is a definite reminder of how subtle Satan is in trying to get us to deny Christ. With a insert of one little word, Zeezrom attempts to discount the Savior of the World and trick his people into thinking Amulek is a liar.

It has made me think of ways Satan subtly tries to lure me away from denying the Christ and trick others into doing the same.

It has made me appreciate, even more, President Nelson's invitation to the women and youth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to fast from social media. In so doing, President Nelson asks:
What do you notice after taking a break from perspectives of the world that have been wounding your spirit? Is there a change in where you now want to spend your time and energy? Have any of your priorities shifted—even just a little? I urge you to record and follow through with each impression.
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On a completely different note, I found this dialogue between Amulek and Zeezrom a bit comical:

Zeezrom:  Will you answer the questions which I shall put unto you?

Amulek: Yea, if it be according to the Spirit of the Lord which is in me; for I will say nothing contrary to the Spirit of the Lord . . . thou child of hell. . .

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