
Friday, November 16, 2018

Book of Mormon Reading: Alma 33-35

I have been pondering the story of Moses and the brazen serpent.

In Alma 33, Alma recounts the story and notes that "many did look and live," but few understood WHY. Why did looking allow them to live?

David A. Bednar teaches that the WHY of the gospel is answered in understanding the doctrine.

Boyd K. Packer taught that, "True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and behavior."

Thus, as a friend pointed out to me, I can be very good at doing what I am supposed to, without knowing why I am supposed to be doing it.

It means that going through the motions is good . . .

But knowing why I am doing what I am doing takes me to a whole different level.

Which means, I need to study the doctrine because I want to be on that "whole different level."

Check out THIS awesome talk about doctrines and principles from Elder Bednar.

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