
Saturday, December 25, 2010

What the 12 Days of Christmas has to do with the Savior

This Christmas Season our family was blessed to be recipients of the 12-Day of Christmas. While in years past I have been on the giving end of the Twelve Days, it has been quite the humbling, amazing experience to be on the receiving end of such a service of love.

I suppose it is for several reasons.

First, to think that someone would take time out for our family has filled me with such tender emotions. Why us? Why would we be the target of such kindness and thoughtfulness?

Secondly, each day our children would excitedly look forward to opening the surprise package that had been lovingly and anonymously placed on our porch. How creative our givers were. How thoughtful they were of our family – each of them! How unselfish they were to present surprises that will truly remind us of them and their compassion for a very, long time.

Thirdly, how ill-equipped we were to offer our gratitude. While we left a little package with a thank-you note for them, I felt that our words were so inadequate in comparison to how we felt about their love for us. How I wanted to better express myself, but in not knowing their identity, perhaps, my desire will never be satisfied.

Which brought me to reflect particularly on these last 12 Days of Christmas and how it is a symbol of the Savior’s love for me.

First, I have contemplated His unselfishness kindness and charity for me. He, who is God of Heaven and Earth, condescended below us all to be born of woman and become like us in the sense that He could feel our pain, our grief, and our sorrows.

And yet, in His Divinity, He was perfect. Sinless. Able to give to us the ultimate sacrifice of love - His life.

Secondly, I ask myself how excitedly do I look upon the experiences that come placed lovingly on my porch of life? Okay, so I admit that sometimes those experiences don’t always bring immediate joy or fulfillment. Sometimes they are filled with heartache or frustration or a HUGE test of faith. But they are placed carefully in my way so that I will remember – if I am willing – Him.  He who is my Giver.

Thirdly, no matter how much gratitude I could offer to the Lord for what He does for me, I will always, always, always fall short. After all, said King Benjamin:
"And now, in the first place, he hath created you, and granted unto you your lives, for which ye are indebted unto him. And secondly, he doth require that ye should do as he hath commanded you; for which if ye do, he doth immediately bless you; and therefore he hath paid you. And ye are still indebted unto him, and are, and will be, forever and ever; therefore, of what have ye to boast?" (Mosiah 2:23-24)
Which make so much sense in why we are commanded to serve others. For it is in this service that we are serving God. And it is in serving God that we are able to show our gratitude for what He does for us!

Merry Christmas to our anonymous 12-Days of Christmas Elves! You have taught me much about the Savior and His love for me!


  1. That is sweet of your secret elves. It warms your heart when you're on the receiving end, makes you want to share it. I loved your tradition of visiting McD's whenever you heard a certain song. How many times did that I happen, I'm wondering? Hope your Christmas was wonderful.

  2. Sherri: Since the Christmas song treat only is applicable when we are IN the car, we probably went to McD's about five or six times from the day after Thanksgiving to Christmas. Of course we heard "our" song much more than that when we were at home! Our children are getting smarter, though! They are figuring out that there are some Christmas songs that are played more than others. Nonetheless, it makes it for a fun tradition!
