We just got through watching (and re-watching) the Brady Bunch episode when Bobby kisses Millicent.
My younger children fell apart with out-of-control laughter when Bobby sees fireworks.
So after about the fifth time they watched that episode, my six year old son cornered me.
Son: “Mom, do you really think Bobby saw fireworks when he kissed that girl?”
Me: “I don’t know, but I see fireworks when I kiss Dad!”
Son (in complete disbelief and disgust): “You see fireworks when you kiss Dad?”
Me: “Well, okay, I don’t actually see fireworks, but I feel fireworks sometimes.”
Son: Mom, you are such a liar!
Me: What?!? Your mother is NOT a liar! Why would you call me a liar?
Son: Because I can’t see the fireworks when you are kissing him!