
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Mary Cried

She hurried to the tomb
saw the stone had rolled away.
Looking on in the inside,
her Master did not lay.
Falling to the ground.
Tears drop from her eyes.
Torn with deep despair,
Mary cried.

Lost and all alone,
she looked up from the ground.
Presence of the Gardner,
but still no solace found.
"Woman," said the Voice.
"Look on Me. Here am I."
And when she saw the Master,
Mary cried.

At times I feel like Mary.
Frightened at an empty tomb.
Lonely, tired, doubting
of life's untimely gloom.
His call is soft, yet piercing.
"Look on Me.  Here am I."
He is risen.  He is calling.
And I cry.



  1. Yes. I wrote it while on my mission. As missionaries, we watched the video Together Forever with investigators over and over and over again. At the very end of the video, it has a depiction of Mary looking into the empty tomb, and with great emotion, she falls to the ground weeping. That scene made a deep impression on me and inspired the poem.

  2. How beautiful, Darla. So much goodness and honesty flow from your soul, and in such a gifted way in this poem. It reminded me of being in "Savior of the World" this past year and watching that particular scene with Mary and the song she sings from up on the colonnade and backstage--so many thoughts and feelings Thank you for your living testimony and for bringing to mind sweet memories.
