
Monday, December 23, 2013

Family Home Evening - Seeing God's Hand in our Life

"Those who keep a book of remembrance are more likely to keep the Lord in remembrance in their daily lives.  Journals are a way of counting our blessings and of leaving an inventory of these blessings for our posterity."  -Spencer W. Kimball

Here's what we did for Family Home Evening.  We took our lesson from HERE and from HERE.

We took 2-3 minutes to quietly and silently reflect on how we have seen the Lord's hand in our life and in our family during the past year.

Then we took 5-6 minutes sharing our experiences.

WOW!  God's hand IS in our lives! Collectively, we were able to recognize so many times. But without having written those things down, we only remembered just sliver.

Then we watched THIS VIDEO . . .

Finally, everyone in our family was given their very own Remember Journal.  (I found some cute mini notebooks. Because I am seriously challenged in the crafty-skills area, I just printed quotes on paper and spray glued them to the front. It works :)

Our challenge, individually and as a family, is to record when we see the hand of God in our lives.  Next Christmas Eve we will gather again and open our journals to be reminded how much God loves us and how much we have need of Him.

"Pray and ponder, asking the questions: Did God sen a message that was just for me?  Did I see His hand in my life or the lives of my children?  I will do that.  And then I will find a way to preserve that memory for they day that I, and those that I love, will need to remember how much God loves us and how much we need Him." -Henry B. Eyring


  1. I had forgotten about this talk, so good! We're gonna do this in our family too. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love you all very much and miss you all!!!!! I hope you had a great Christmas!!!! Love you all very much
    The Colliers!! <3
