But this post isn’t about apps, it’s about the smartness of the smart phone that is making me look terribly stupid.
So one of the “smart” features on the phone is that while texting or emailing, it tries to take the guesswork out of your thought process and come up with the word you are typing. Which is great until after it has been sent . . . And believe me, this is not just a one time deal with me. This is just a preview of my smarts with my Smart Phone.
So the other day I felt so very pleased with my “professional, educated” efforts to send off an email that was worded so carefully. You see, my husband and I have the wonderful calling to train the Ma’s and Pa’s for this year’s Stake Pioneer Trek. And with Trek just weeks away, many Ma’s and Pa’s email questions and concerns that need to be addressed immediately or sooner.
So, while waiting for two of my sons at the Orthodontist, I was putting good use to my waiting time by using my Smart Phone to respond to some emails. One of which was to a Pa who is a highly skilled Scoutmaster! Um, did I happen to mention how very pleased I was with myself for being so good with words and such?
Well, after emailing off an essay worthy of publication, I receive his grateful response. And in being so happy with myself, I decided to reread my email because I didn’t want to forget how wonderful I am with words when it comes to using a Smart Phone at the doctor’s office.
And to my absolute horror, instead of calling him a great Scouter, the Smart Phone had outsmarted me and referred to this future Pa of Trek as a great Scooter. A Scooter? A SCOOTER!
Goodbye pride. Hello humility humiliation.
Haahahahahahaahahaaa!.....Haaaahaahahahaa! Okay, now that is funny! :D